Tuesday 7 October 2014

Cancellation Policy

When you book an appointment with us we set aside that time just for you. Last minute cancellations and missed appointments can be very costly to our therapists both in terms of lost income and the loss of another client who could have filled that spot.
We kindly request that if you need to cancel or change your appointment you provide us with at least 24 hours notice. Failure to do so may result in the full fee for your appointment being charged to your account at the clinic.
If you arrive late to your appointment every attempt will be made to ensure that you still receive treatment, however time may be limited to that remaining in your scheduled appointment.
After one missed appointment we require a credit card number on file to hold future reservations.
We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Questions that are ACTUALLY the most frequently asked.

These are going to be a little different than the typical "Frequently Asked Questions" posts. These aren't nearly as technical, but represent what are actually the most frequently asked questions at the clinic. Thanks to my client R.M. for the blog post suggestion!

Q: "Do you see more women or men?"
A: I've never actually crunched the numbers on this one, but if I had to guess, I'd say its fairly split. Perhaps 60% women and 40% men.

Q: "What is the most common age demographic at the clinic?"
A: This might vary for the other staff, but the bulk of my regular clients are in their 30s and 40s. That being said all age groups are well represented. My youngest client was around 2 weeks old and my oldest clients have been well into their 90s.

Q:"Do most people chat away to the therapist during their treatment?"
A: This is fairly split as well. Some clients like to come in, review their health information, talk about their goals for the session, and spend the rest of the time quietly enjoying their massage. Others love to chat and laugh their way through. As long as you're relaxed and comfortable, we're fine with either!

Q:"Does anyone fall asleep during their massage?"
A: Yes! People often feel embarrassed if they slip into a light sleep during treatment, but I always tell people it's not the first time and certainly not the last! I have had clients fall asleep on the table before I even come back into the room to start the massage. I take it as a compliment that you're relaxed enough to fall asleep.

Q:"What is the most common length for a massage appointment?"
A: The majority of  appointments are booked for 45 minutes or 60 minutes in length. We do offer 30 minutes and 90 minutes as well, but these are a bit less common.

Q:"Are some people too ticklish to have a massage?"
A: I've come across a handful of very ticklish people over the years, but not one that I haven't been able to treat. For the most sensitive bodies, I can alter my techniques to make a tickle-type reaction less likely. Feet can be a different story, some people just can't do it!

Q:"Don't your hands get sore?"
A: Yes and no. From time to time my hands will get sore to let me know I've been doing too much or I haven't been careful with the way I treat. A lot of the pressure we use comes from our back and shoulders as we lean into the techniques. If we pay attention to our posture and take care of ourselves, we don't have to deal with the pain (that's the goal anyway!).

Q:"Has anyone ever fallen off your Massage table?"
A: Thank goodness, no! I do like to remind people on the first visit to turn over carefully and roll towards me.  I stand with the side of my body against the table so if someone rolls a little too far they'll bump into me before the floor! We are also lucky to have a table that is a little wider than average :)

Q:"How long is the typical Massage Therapy education?"
A: I took a three year advanced diploma program in Massage Therapy prior to taking my boards and being certified to practice in Ontario. Some RMTs have fast-tracked the program and completed in two years by utilizing summer semesters, but we are all held to the same standards and need to pass the same written and practical exams at the end.

Q:"Who massages the massage therapist?"
A: I'm lucky to work at a clinic with another RMT! In fact, even before we worked at Bowmanville Valley Massage together, she was my Massage Therapist. Being on my feet all day and having a fairly physical job, I find Massage Therapy to be an important part of my health care regime and I just can't manage to do it myself :)

Have any more questions? Feel free to let me know below and I'll do my best to answer!


Friday 30 May 2014

Notice regarding Summerfest

Summerfest in downtown Bowmanville is coming June 12-14.

Sidewalk sale and music as usual, but they've added food trucks and a beer tent this year! King street through the historic section of downtown Bowmanville will be closed on the Friday and Saturday, so I will not be in the office. Instead,you may be able to find me in the beer tent or in line for a food truck or two ;) Hope to see some familiar faces!

Follow the link for more info:

- Jenna

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Online Booking Policies

Online booking policies:

We have received a lot of great feedback from clients about our online booking feature. We are more than happy to continue to provide this option. In order to keep things running smoothly we have implimented a few online booking policies. 
  1. When you schedule your appointment online we treat it in the exact same manner as an appointment booked over the phone or in person. We kindly request that you do the same. We take online bookings just as seriously as any other type of booking.
  2. The scheduling system will not allow you to cancel appointments with less than 24 hours notice. If you need to cancel or reschedule last minute, please call or email your therapist directly.
  3. We ask that you please provide correct contact information when you schedule your appointment. If incorrect names, emails or phone numbers are used to book the appointment, the booking will become invalid.
  4. All new and returning clients are eligible to schedule online. If you miss your appointment without notifying the clinic, you will need to call or email and speak to your therapist prior to being able to schedule online again.
  5. If two consecutive appointments are cancelled last minute (less than the required 24 hours notice) you will need to call or email and speak to your therapist prior to being able to schedule online again.
  6. If three consecutive appointments are cancelled with 24 hours notice or more you will need to call or email and speak to your therapist prior to being able to schedule online again.

We are occasionally able to accommodate last minute and emergency appointments. If you are looking to book something (or cancel something) within the next 24 hours, please give us a call.
If you cannot find a time that works well for you, please contact us by phone or email.
All applicable taxes and fees are included in the price you see within our online appointment book.

Please accept our thanks for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the clinic.

The Bowmanville Valley Massage Staff

Friday 5 October 2012

NEW: Great West Life direct billing!

Attention GWL clients:

Starting Wednesday October 10, 2012, I will now be able to directly submit your Massage Therapy claim to Great West Life.

This happens in 'real time' at the clinic, so you will immediately know if it's been approved and for how much!

Simply bring in your insurance information with you to your next appointment with me to get started!


Monday 3 September 2012

Welcome Charlene Stephenson R.M.T.!

Tomorrow we welcome our newest member of the team!

Charlene Stephenson R.M.T. will be moving her existing practice to Bowmanville Valley Massage Therapy. Charlene brings with her 14 years of experience in clinical Massage Therapy. Having been given the opportunity to work with Charlene in the past, I am very excited to have her work with me once again!

New therapist, new diplomas and certificates to add to the collection!

Welcome Charlene! We wish you all the best in your new location. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Thursday 16 August 2012

An insiders tips for getting the last minute massage appointment you want...

At Bowmanville Valley Massage we endeavor to accommodate as many of our clients as possible by offering a wide variety of appointment days and times.

As of September 1, 2012 we will be open six days a week and will continue to offer early morning,  evening and some Saturday appointments.

While many of our clients book their appointments in advance, we are often able to accommodate last minute requests as well. There are a few things you can do to help you snag those last minute spots.

1) "Like" us on Facebook. We post our last minutes openings and cancellations on our Facebook page. Our fans get to see a list of what is still open for that week, and cancellations are posted as they come in. Click here: https://www.facebook.com/BowmanvilleValleyMassageTherapy

2) Call early in the day. We don't always have same day appointments available, but when we do, they tend to get booked early in the day. If you think you might want to come in for a same day appointment, call (or text or email) us right away. We do recieve several calls a day looking for same day openings. When we do have them, they tend to go to the first couple of callers.

3) Get on the wait list.  If the day you want happens to be booked up, your therapist can put you on a wait list. If a last minute cancellation comes in, you will get a call right away. This does happen quite often (especially Fridays and Saturdays when the weather is nice!).

4) Consider morning appointments.  Evenings and weekends are the most in demand time slots at Bowmanville Valley Massage. There is a fairly large demographic of clients who can only book their massage therapy session after work, or on Saturday. Becuase of this, it is often easier to get a last minute morning appointment.

5) Consider setting up a maintenance care plan.  Many of our clients use massage therapy for maintenance care and prevention.  We have some clients that book their favorite times weeks or months in advance, to ensure they keep their preferred spot. This is particularly helpful if you need appointments prior to 10am, after 4pm or on Saturdays.You can speak with your therapist for more details and a recommendation.

6) Leave a message. If we are at the clinic, but busy with a client, we will let the phone go directly to voice mail. As soon as we have finished with that client, we check and return all messages. Calls made during the day are always returned the same business day unless we are away. If you don't get us the first time, leave a message with your name, number and appointment request and someone will call you back in a timely manner. Email and text messaging is a great way to get a hold of us as well!

7) Ask for a referral.  If you need in for a treatment right away and we cannot accommodate the request, we can refer you to other local RMTs that we know and trust. Even if you can't get in to see us, we still want to get the treatment you need.