Friday 5 October 2012

NEW: Great West Life direct billing!

Attention GWL clients:

Starting Wednesday October 10, 2012, I will now be able to directly submit your Massage Therapy claim to Great West Life.

This happens in 'real time' at the clinic, so you will immediately know if it's been approved and for how much!

Simply bring in your insurance information with you to your next appointment with me to get started!


Monday 3 September 2012

Welcome Charlene Stephenson R.M.T.!

Tomorrow we welcome our newest member of the team!

Charlene Stephenson R.M.T. will be moving her existing practice to Bowmanville Valley Massage Therapy. Charlene brings with her 14 years of experience in clinical Massage Therapy. Having been given the opportunity to work with Charlene in the past, I am very excited to have her work with me once again!

New therapist, new diplomas and certificates to add to the collection!

Welcome Charlene! We wish you all the best in your new location. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Thursday 16 August 2012

An insiders tips for getting the last minute massage appointment you want...

At Bowmanville Valley Massage we endeavor to accommodate as many of our clients as possible by offering a wide variety of appointment days and times.

As of September 1, 2012 we will be open six days a week and will continue to offer early morning,  evening and some Saturday appointments.

While many of our clients book their appointments in advance, we are often able to accommodate last minute requests as well. There are a few things you can do to help you snag those last minute spots.

1) "Like" us on Facebook. We post our last minutes openings and cancellations on our Facebook page. Our fans get to see a list of what is still open for that week, and cancellations are posted as they come in. Click here:

2) Call early in the day. We don't always have same day appointments available, but when we do, they tend to get booked early in the day. If you think you might want to come in for a same day appointment, call (or text or email) us right away. We do recieve several calls a day looking for same day openings. When we do have them, they tend to go to the first couple of callers.

3) Get on the wait list.  If the day you want happens to be booked up, your therapist can put you on a wait list. If a last minute cancellation comes in, you will get a call right away. This does happen quite often (especially Fridays and Saturdays when the weather is nice!).

4) Consider morning appointments.  Evenings and weekends are the most in demand time slots at Bowmanville Valley Massage. There is a fairly large demographic of clients who can only book their massage therapy session after work, or on Saturday. Becuase of this, it is often easier to get a last minute morning appointment.

5) Consider setting up a maintenance care plan.  Many of our clients use massage therapy for maintenance care and prevention.  We have some clients that book their favorite times weeks or months in advance, to ensure they keep their preferred spot. This is particularly helpful if you need appointments prior to 10am, after 4pm or on Saturdays.You can speak with your therapist for more details and a recommendation.

6) Leave a message. If we are at the clinic, but busy with a client, we will let the phone go directly to voice mail. As soon as we have finished with that client, we check and return all messages. Calls made during the day are always returned the same business day unless we are away. If you don't get us the first time, leave a message with your name, number and appointment request and someone will call you back in a timely manner. Email and text messaging is a great way to get a hold of us as well!

7) Ask for a referral.  If you need in for a treatment right away and we cannot accommodate the request, we can refer you to other local RMTs that we know and trust. Even if you can't get in to see us, we still want to get the treatment you need.

Monday 13 August 2012

Ice or Heat?

One of the most common questions I get when it comes to orthopedic injuries is if they should be treated with an ice pack or a hot pack.

Both hot and cold therapies are used in treating injures, but there are certain circumstances where using one is more beneficial than the other.

When to use cold:   Cold therapy is used when an injury is acute.  Acute usually refers to the first 2-3 days after the injury (ex. strains, sprains, contusions, fractures etc) when the area is inflamed, painful and possibly red or hot to the touch.

When an injury is in the early stages (or has been re-aggravated) cold therapy is recommended.  10-15 minutes with an ice pack will help with inflammation and to decrease pain sensation. Icing can be repeated as needed, simply take breaks to allow the skin to return to normal temperature before resuming.

Never apply the ice directly to the skin. Use a thin layer of material to protect from ice burns. Combining ice with rest, compression and elevation (good old R.I.C.E.!) is your best bet immediately after an injury.

When to use heat:     Heat therapy is used when an injury is chronic. This is the phase where healing is well underway and the swelling associated with the acute phase is gone. Heat will relax and soothe sore muscles and increase local circulation and mobility which will promote healing.

Heat the area for around 20 minutes as needed. This can be done in the shower or bath or with a heating pad. Be cautious when using electric heating pads in bed. They can and will burn skin if left on too long after you fall asleep. Placing a towel between the pad and the skin with also help to reduce the risk of burns. 

People with certain cardiovascular or neurological impairments that cause decreased sensation should also take caution with both hot and cold therapies.When in doubt, discuss the use of hydrotherapy with your health care practitioner before commencing self treatment.

For most people, the use of heat is much more relaxing and desirable, just remember that if the injury is new and/or swollen, you could be doing more harm than good.

At the clinic we have access to both cold and hot therapies if necessary and your therapist will instruct you as to which would be best to use at home after your session!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Protecting Your Privacy

Here is a topic that has come up a few times in the past week or so - patient confidentiality.

Most people know that when you go in to visit your family doctor, what you talk about and what gets written in your file is on lock down. Not even your husband or wife could call the office and find out health information about you without the clinic obtaining your written consent to do so.

What most people don't know is that the same laws that prohibit your family doctor from sharing your medical conditions, prescriptions and appointment details with anyone but you, also apply to Registered Massage Therapists.

All Regulated Health Professionals (including, but not limited to, Medical Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors etc. For a complete list visit and view the list along the right side of the screen) are bound by what we call PHIPA.

PHIPA stands for Personal Health Information Protection Act. If you consider yourself to be a bit of a legal eagle (or you just want to be eased into a nice long nap) you can view the Act in it's entirety here:

If neither of the above apply to you I'll give you a quick run down. As a Regulated Health Professional my commitment to my clients is that anything we discuss will remain between us. The information in your file, on your account on my computer, emails between us, or any other identifying information about you or your treatment is strictly confidential. I can't share it with my family or yours, or your boss, or your insurance company, not even another health care professional you are seeing.

If however, a situation arises where you need to me release certain information, that can be done with a simple consent form. I sign, you sign. It's a fairly straight forward process.

PHIPA also ensures that your information is kept under lock and key. We are required to keep all health records for a minimum of ten years after the last appointment. After that, records can be destroyed by shredding.  

So, to summarize, if your friend calls and asks if I'm your Massage Therapist, no, I cannot tell them. If your ex husband calls to as when your last massage was, no, I cannot tell him. If your boss calls to make sure you're leaving work for a legitimate appointment, I can only confirm after getting your permission.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, some scenarios fall under mandatory reporting. These include situations of sexual abuse by a member of a regulatory health college (a member of the list I linked to above), or cases of child or elder abuse.

Bowmanville Valley's official privacy policy is posted at the clinic. Copies can be provided to clients upon request. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about our commitment to confidentiality!


Saturday 4 August 2012

Our sign has arrived!

You may find it a bit easier to navigate to the clinic now that we've installed our sign!

Friday 3 August 2012

Do you keep your Massage Therapy receipts?

Even if you do not have extended health insurance for massage, it is an eligible medical expense on your tax return! It fits under the category "Medical Service Performed by a Qualified Medical Practitioner". There are more details on the CRA website.

Always a good idea to hang onto your receipts!

Monday 16 July 2012

New member of the team!

I've been promising some "big news" on our Facebook page for the last little while. So here it is!

Bowmanville Valley Massage is excited to announce the addition of another Registered Massage Therapist to our team! Starting in September, Charlene Stephenson RMT will be at the clinic Tuesdays, Thursdays and the occasional Friday! Charlene, a Fleming College graduate, brings with her 14 years of experience in a variety of clinical settings. She is a great addition to the team and we hope Charlene and her clients (new and old!) will be happy at the clinic! Can't wait! This means BVMT will be open SIX days a week!

Stay tuned for more information!

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Get the most out of your massage

As mentioned in previous blog entries, at the end of your treatment your therapist will discuss with you what you can do at home to help prolong the effects of your massage or decrease discomfort associated with the condition you are seeking treatment for.

While each person and situation is different, here are some things that might be recommended after a massage:

1) Stretch.    If your therapist comes across a muscle or muscle group that feels tight or shortened, you may get sent home with some stretches. RMTs are trained in prescribing appropriate stretches that will target your specific problem. The RMT will demonstrate the stretch, explain what it does, why it's important and how often you should do it. You will also be told when you should not do it.

2) Strengthen.    Some soft tissue issues can be the result of weak muscles. An RMT will often pick upon this either during the treatment or assessment phase of your visit and may choose to prescribe some strengthening exercises designed to target weak spots. Your RMT knows when it is safe to begin strengthening exercises and will be very cautious, especially in the phases of injury recovery.

3) Keep Moving.  Your RMT can help you decide what kind of exercise is appropriate after your treatment and to accommodate any injuries. Exercise has numerous benefits and in most cases it's best to keep moving after your treatment. The therapist can advise you on what would be both beneficial and safe.

4) Hydrotherapy. Before you leave your RMT will also instruct you about using ice or heat after your treatment. This will depend on the type of treatment you received or the nature of your injuries.

5) Hydrate. The human body works best when properly hydrated!

6) Relax and enjoy!

New! Chair massage at BVMT!

Bowmanville Valley Massage is now offering seated massage!

This is a great alternative for people who have difficulty getting on and off the table, or find lying down uncomfortable. Chair massage is also a great option for on-site and corporate massage as it doesn't require a lot of space and set up is quick and easy.

Massage can be performed over the clothing or directly on the skin, depending on the area being treated. This is a great way to have upper back, neck, shoulders and arms worked on!

If you are looking to try a seated massage, be sure to specify at the time of booking. Can't wait to get started with my new chair this week!

Monday 2 July 2012

First Facebook Fan Giveaway!

We have a winner for our first ever facebook fan giveaway!

M.E. has won a gift basket with a certificate for a 30 minute massage.

Next draw: September 30, 2012.

Like us on facebook to be included in the draw!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Summer Holiday Notice

Just a short post to let you know that I (Jenna) will be out of the office from Wednesday June 27, 2012 to Sunday July 1, 2012 for a quick summer vacation.

I will be in the office with extended hours Monday the 25th and Tuesday the 26th to accommodate those who need to get in before I'm away. 

Everything will be back to normal as of Monday June 2, 2012.

If you need to get in touch please leave a message. I will be checking messages and returning calls daily.

Email is another good option to get in touch:

If you need to book an appointment, don't forget about our online booking feature which can be found by clicking "Book Online" towards the top of this page.This is available 24 hours a day.

Additional closures for this summer include:
Wednesday August 22 to Saturday August 25
Friday August 31 to Monday September 3 (Labor Day long weekend)

I've had a lot of people ask what I will be up to while I'm off and I still have no idea! Hopefully I will have some good stories to tell once I'm back! In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys the great weather!


Monday 11 June 2012

What to expect at your first visit

Today's blog entry is going to focus on what to expect at your first appointment at the clinic. If you've never had a treatment with a Massage Therapist, or it has been a while, here is a breakdown of what you can expect at your first visit.

Please note that this is general information only, and while it applies to most initial visits it may vary slightly due to individual circumstances.

1) The Health History Questionnaire.  When you first arrive at the clinic you will be greeted at the front desk by your Registered Massage Therapist. The first thing you will be asked to do is fill out a health history questionnaire. This includes some basic contact information (name, address, phone, email etc) and then some health information. Your RMT will want to know if you have any medical conditions that may interfere with your massage appointment or how you will respond to treatment. It is also important that you let your Massage Therapist know if you are taking any medications or have had any recent surgeries or injuries. The health history consists of one and a half pages and will assist us in customizing the treatment to your individual needs and to ensure that Massage Therapy will be safe.

When you book your first appointment you will be asked to arrive at the clinic approximately five minutes early to complete the forms. If you wish to speed up the process you are most welcome to print the form from our website, fill it out in advance and bring it with you. Visit!Book%20Online/cu2u and click on the PDF icon to download the file.

It is law that all RMTs maintain health records of each visit and health history for their clients. These are strictly confidential and cannot be released with your written consent. You may view our detailed privacy policy at the clinic for more information.

2) The Interview. After you've completed the forms you will be shown into the treatment room. Here the therapist will go over the forms with you and ask for any clarification or additional information that might be necessary. The therapist will then discuss with you what your goals are. If you are coming into the office as a result of an injury or accident the RMT will ask specific questions about how you injured yourself and how the injury is effecting your daily activities.

The interview is important to gain specific knowledge about each individual client. No one person is the same, and therefore no massage treatment is the same.

3) Assessment. Once the RMT has a clearer idea of what is going on, they will need to do an assessment. This may take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes (occasionally more) depending on the severity of your injuries or condition. The therapist will let you know what they are going to do before they do it and will ensure that you have consented to any testing needing to be done. Testing usually involves the RMT checking your posture, asking specific questions, feeling muscles, observing range of motion and preforming specialized orthopedic tests.

4) Treatment Planning and Consent. After the assessment has taken place your RMT will explain to you what the recommended course of treatment would be. While RMTs are unable to legally give you a diagnoses, they may tell you what their 'clinical impression' is and how they would like to treat the injury or condition. The RMT will explain the goals and benefits of treatment and any applicable risks or side effects.

The RMT will also discuss how to position yourself on the table and what (if any) clothing should be removed (always optional). Once the treatment plan has been thoroughly explained you will be given the opportunity to ask questions and the RMT will obtain your written or verbal consent.

5) Treatment.   The RMT will then lave the room and give you the chance to undress in private and get set up on the table as instructed. He or she will then knock on the door before entering. The treatment will then take place as was outlined to you in the treatment planning phase.  The therapist will occasionally ask for feedback about pressure and techniques and will let you know when/if you need to make any active movements or change positions. Once treatment is complete the therapist will leave the room, allowing you to dress.

6) Post Treatment. Once you are ready, the RMT will come back into the room ad ask you how you are feeling.  You will be given instructions on what home care to do after your treatment. The RMT will recommend when to come back for a follow up treatment and you will again be given the opportunity to ask any questions. If the RMT feels it is necessary to send you to another health professional they will let you know at this time. You will be offered a glass of water and a chance to rest in the waiting room before you leave, if necessary.

7) Administration.  At the end of the treatment you are walked back to the front desk when you can schedule your next treatment, pay for the session and obtain a receipt. If your insurance company allows RMTs to direct bill, the therapist will request additional information to complete the claim at this point.

All of these steps are required by law and are necessary to enure appropriate and safe treatment.

We recommended (but do not require) that initial visits be at least 45 minutes in length to enable a proper assessment to take place, but also to ensure plenty of time for hands on treatment.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Do I need to be naked during my massage?

Here is another classic first timer question: do I need to be completely naked for my massage treatment?

Short Answer: No! 

I think many people assume that they will be required to completely undress in order to have a massage. In the media we often see images of women being massaged with nothing but a hand towel over their derriere. This is not the reality of Registered Massage Therapy.

I give all of my clients the option to remove whatever clothing they choose. You will only ever be asked to undress to your comfort level.

Many massage techniques do work best when applied directly over the skin, however there are many treatment modifications that can be made for clients who are fully clothed. Certain techniques do not require the removal of any clothing at all!

In the clinic most of my clients will undress down to their undergarments after I leave the room - you will be given complete privacy to dress and undress. They will then get onto the massage table under a sheet and blanket pulled up to the level of the collar bones. When I come back into the room (always after knocking first) I will uncover one area at a time in order to perform my massage techniques. For example, if I need to work on your right leg, I will uncover only the right leg and secure the sheets so they they stay in place during the treatment and no other area of the body is exposed.

For those who wish to stay fully dressed, or partially dressed, the therapist will discuss any draw backs to not being able to work directly on the skin (if any apply to the particular treatment) and will respect your wishes at all times.

Your therapist will let you know what they are doing before uncovering a new area of the body. Prior to your treatment you will be asked if there are any areas you do not want treated and remember, you can always stop or change the treatment at any point.

After your treatment is complete you will have a few minutes to get off the table and dress in private. At this point your therapist will prescribe any home care or stretches that would be beneficial and will walk with you back to the reception area. 

Your comfort is our top priority and we will always respect your wishes and privacy! 

Monday 7 May 2012

Grand Opening Gift Basket Raffle!

The winners of the "Grand Opening" draw have been chosen!

1st Place goes to K.S. (last 4 digits of phone number: 8435)
2nd Place goes to A.H. (last four digits of phone number: 0018)

You will both be contacted shortly! Congratulations!

Thanks to everyone who came out and put their name in the draw!

If you missed the Open House you still have a chance to win a gift basket! Visit our Facebook page and click 'like' to be automatically entered!

You don't have to be a existing client. Winners can keep the basket for themselves or give it away as a gift!


Sunday 6 May 2012

"Should I talk to my Therapist during my massage?"

I recently opened my Facebook page up to suggestions for blog topics and I had two identical requests to tackle the following question: should I talk to my Therapist during my Massage?

This is a good one! I never thought to include it in my website 'Frequently Asked Questions" section, but I do have clients ask me this a lot!

You may find that the answer will vary depending on the RMT you talk to, but I will give you my take on this subject.

During your treatment I want you to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. One of the reasons is because I want you to enjoy the treatment and leave feeling refreshed. You've paid for my time and I want you to be satisfied with your massage. Most of us lead very busy lives, so it's not often that you have an hour to focus on yourself and whatever your goal for treatment may be - relaxation or rehabilitation.The second reason is that when you are relaxed mentally, you relax physically. It's much easier and more effective to massage muscles when they are in their relaxed state, not tensed.

Because of this, I want my clients to do whatever they feel most comfortable with. If a client wishes to lay silent throughout the entire treatment, that is just fine with me! I will check in occasionally to ensure my pressure is okay and to ask feedback about certain techniques. If someone wants to converse throughout the entire treatment, that's also fine. I try to take my cues from each client and proceed accordingly.

I've heard people say they worry I would 'get bored' if they don't chat with me. Fortunately for me this is not the case. When focused on delivering a treatment I'm always thinking about my techniques, what technique I should use next, what muscle I should go to, or what I should prescribe for home care.

One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to meet new people from the community so I also love to converse with my clients and learn more about their lives and interests. For that reason I'm perfectly content to chatter away!

I believe you will get most out of your treatment when it is on your own terms. When you come to my clinic you hire me for your appointment time and it's my job to make sure that happens!

Saturday 5 May 2012

Open House and Maplefest 2012

Today was the big day!

Bowmanville Valley Massage and Esthetics by Kendra got together for our joint Grand Opening celebration!

Our open house just happened to coincide with Bowmanville's annual Maplefest. The weather was beautiful and there was a lot of positive energy in the air.

The day was a great success and we saw many familiar faces and some new ones too!

A big thank you goes out to everyone who helped us with the preparation and dropped in to say hello!

Our gift basket raffle will take place on Monday. If you were unable to drop in you can still win a gift basket by "liking" our page on Facebook!

I planned on taking a lot of photos, however once things got rolling it became too busy! Managed to get a few right before the open house started:

Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Great Renovation - Before and After Photos

I've had quite a few requests lately for 'before and after' photos of the renovations we completed on the clinic in the month prior to opening.

The space was previously being used for storage only, so it was great to have the chance to put my own spin on it!

The reception and waiting area:

My (Jenna's) Massage Therapy treatment room:

Kendra's Esthetic room:

I am very grateful for the many family members who offered their advice, hard work and babysitting so we could get this done!

The OPEN HOUSE is getting closer!

Only a few more days until our OPEN HOUSE!

Stop by the clinic this Saturday May 5th between 12 and 2 for:

- Light snacks and refreshments (cake!!)
- A tour of the new facility
- Meet and greet with the staff of Bowmanville Valley and Esthetics by Kendra
- Enter to win some great prizes (gift baskets/certificates!!)
- Both Bowmanville Valley Massage and Esthetics by Kendra will be handing out $10.00 vouchers!

MAPLE FEST will also be going on in the downtown core, so it should be a fun day all around! 

We hope to see you there!

***If you can't make it by the clinic, you still have a chance to win a gift basket!
Pop by our Facebook page, click "Like" and you will be automatically be entered in a draw to win a prize every three months! CLICK HERE to go there now! ***

Monday 30 April 2012

Massage Therapy and Insurance

One of the most frequent questions I get asked over the phone is how insurance coverage works with massage therapy.

Most insurance companies and employers have recognized the benefits of massage therapy and together have made a move to providing more preventive care options.  After all, it’s much more cost effective to pay for massage treatment than pay for pain medication, lost time, and even hospitalization. I would be willing to bet that happy and relaxed employees with improved sleep patterns are also more productive employees!

If you work for a company that offers health benefits, chances are you will be covered for the cost (or a portion of the cost) of your massage treatment by a Registered Massage Therapist. The coverage amount will vary depending on what plan your employer has negotiated for you.

Most insurance companies will not allow health care professionals to check this information on your behalf due to privacy concerns. The best way to find out about your coverage is to speak with your employer directly or contact your insurance company with your employee ID or group number handy. Many companies have a website that you can log into to view your coverage details and even submit claims.

Here are some important questions to ask when determining your coverage:
- Do I require a Doctor’s note in order to be reimbursed?
- What is my annual maximum?
- What is my maximum allowance per treatment?
- Is my Massage Therapist able to direct bill, or must I submit receipts myself?
- When will my coverage renew?
- If I reach my maximum am I able to use a health spending account to cover the additional costs?
- Will my therapist need to fill out any additional paperwork?

At this time our clinic is set up to direct bill for most GreenShield, Blue Cross and Motor Vehicle Accident patients. If we are unable to bill directly for you we will gladly provide you with the necessary documentation to send to your company.

Visit!rates|c15it and scroll to the bottom to download a checklist of questions to ask your employer or insurance company when determining your coverage! 

RMT vs. "Masseur"

What sets a Registered Massage Therapist apart from a "masseur"?
In Ontario there are also unregistered individuals who offer 'massage' or 'bodywork', however it is only the services provided by Registered Massage Therapists that are recognized as a type of health care and are covered by many insurance plans. If you have private or workplace coverage, chances are you may be eligible for reimbursement of fees paid to a Registered Massage Therapist. Please see our blog post on Insurance!
Another key factor is safety. Registered Massage Therapists are trained to recognize when massage may not be safe, or when precautions need to be taken. We are trained to assess each person and create an individual plan keeping in mind the person's goals and any limitations of treatment.
In Ontario is it law that only Registered Massage Therapists can use the terms "Massage Therapist", "Massage Therapy", "Therapeutic Massage" and claim health benefits from their treatments. Look for the designation RMT behind the therapist's name. All RMTs have identification cards and certificates of registration and are required to show their registration number on your receipts.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Massage Therapy Gift Baskets!

In addition to our regular gift certificates, we are pleased to now offer gift baskets! Each comes with a gift card for Massage Therapy in the amount of your choice and other customizable goodies! Orders can be place by phone, email or in person at the clinic.

The basic basket (as pictured and described below) is available for the cost of the gift certificate plus $10.00. The basic basket will be available in stock at the clinic starting in May 2012. 

Themed baskets are available for order and include items geared towards relaxation, sports/therapeutic massage, and prenatal massage. Please call or email for a quote.

How to Win a Gift Basket:

"Like' the Bowmanville Valley Massage Therapy page on Facebook (next draw: June 30, 2012) or attend our May 5th Open House for your chance to win one of the gift baskets pictured to the right! 

The baskets for the draw contain either a 60 Minute Massage Certificate ($77.00 value) or a 30 Minute Massage Certificate ($45.00 value), bath salts, reusable cold pack and aromatherapy candle.  

Like us here to enter:

Saturday 21 April 2012

Watch for our new sign ...

Since out front door is set back a few feet from the sidewalk and our building sign is in the works, I've created a sidewalk sign to help clients navigate to the clinic!

If you are on your way to your appointment, keep an eye out for the sign pictured above!

We will be posting news and special offers on the chalk section.


Wednesday 18 April 2012

Esthetics by Kendra - Spring Specials!

Bowmanville Valley Massage Therapy is VERY excited to have an on-site Esthetician, Kendra Kryger-Wilson.

Kendra is offering some exciting Spring Specials:

**Double Pedicure Package**
Two Basic Pedicures. $65.00
(To be used for two different clients)

**Mom Time Package**
Basic facial, basic pedicure, natural manicure. $105.00
2 hours, 30 minutes

**Prom Package**
Makeup application, natural manicure, mini pedicure. $75.00
1 hour, 30 minutes

These offers are valid until May 31st, 2012.

You can call Kendra at 905-809-0192 to schedule an appointment.
Gift certificates are available - Mother's Day is on the way!

Monday 16 April 2012

Mobile Massage Promotion - Limited Time Only!

Massage Party Package
Special Offer

For a limited time, receive 10% off when you book a Massage package for 4 or more people at the location of your choice.  

-No travel or set up fee! Pay the regular clinic rate plus a 10% discount.

-Bowmanville Valley will take care of everything! We provide the table, lotion, sheets and music.

-Covered by most health insurance plans—receipts provided. Treatment is provided by a Registered Massage Therapist.

Great for birthday parties, “girls night in”, bridal/bachelorette parties, baby showers, employee appreciation day etc.

Call to schedule your package—905-259-2158

Evening and weekends available.
Credit card required when booking, 48 hours notice required for cancellations to avoid cancellation fee. Travel fee applies to locations greater than 15km from 84 King St W. Bowmanville.

Thursday 12 April 2012

What is a Registered Massage Therapist?

What is a Registered Massage Therapist?

In Ontario, a Registered Massage Therapist is a Regulated Health Professional under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). All RMTs in the province are members of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. The CMTO is the regulatory body for the profession and is responsible for regulation of Massage Therapy, complaints and discipline and protection of the public.

Only members of the CMTO may call themselves Massage Therapists and offer Massage Therapy.

What type of education do RMTs in Ontario have?

Before they are able to register with the college, prospective Massage Therapists must attend a recognized training program that is at least 2200 hours in length and includes hands on field placement. Students must complete courses in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Massage Theory, Ethics and Law, Hydrotherapy, Orthopedic Assessment, Massage Treatment, Remedial Exercise and more.

Once they have successfully completed their training, candidates may take the provincial board exams administered by the College of Massage Therapists. Upon passing the rigorous written and practical exams, they may register as Massage Therapists and begin to practice in the province.

What happens after registration?

All RMTs are subject to a quality assurance program overseen by the college. Members are required to obtain continuing education credits as well as keep up with self and peer assessments and literature provided by the College.

What sets a Registered Massage Therapist apart from others offering massage?

As Regulated Health Professionals, Massage Therapists are trained to administer treatment for therapeutic purposes. Not only are they able to deliver massage for relaxation, their skill set allows them to treat many impairments and health conditions. RMTs are trained to assess each client and create an individual treatment plan with the client's goals in mind. They are also trained to recognize scenarios when Massage Therapy may not be beneficial or when treatment needs to be modified.

How can visits to an RMT help my health?

The following list of general health benefits has been provided by the Registered Massage Therapists Association of Ontario (
  • Reducing or eliminating pain
  • Improving joint mobility
  • Improving circulation
  • Improving immune system functioning
  • Increasing lymphatic drainage
  • Reducing depression and anxiety
  • Reducing tension within muscles
  • Increasing body awareness 

What conditions can Massage Therapy treat?

Treatment by a Registered Massage Therapist can prove beneficial for the following conditions: 

Anxiety and depression Asthma and Emphysema
Back, leg, and neck pain Cancer
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain) Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Dislocations Fibromyalgia
Fractures and edema Gastrointestinal disorders
Headaches Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and bursitis
Insomnia Kyphosis and Scoliosis
Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease
Muscle tension and spasm Palliative care
Post-surgical rehabilitation Pregnancy and labour support
Sports injuries Strains and sprains
Stress and stress related conditions Stroke
Tendinitis Whiplash


Who goes to see Registered Massage Therapists?

Massage Therapy is used by people of all ages, for a wide variety of reasons. For example, colicky infants may benefit from massage, athletes frequently use Massage Therapy to treat injuries and prepare or recover from events, and the elderly often use massage when they experience degenerative changes associated with aging.  Your Massage Therapist will ensure that treatment will be safe and appropriate before proceeding. If you are unsure if you are a candidate for Massage Therapy, please give us a call at the clinic or speak with your Family Doctor.

For more information, visit our webpage at or give us a call at 905-259-2158 to speak with a Registered Massage Therapist.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Massage Therapy and Insurance

One of the most frequent questions I get asked over the phone is how insurance coverage works with massage therapy.

Over the past decade, insurance companies have really started to recognize the benefits of massage therapy and make a move to providing more preventive care options.  After all, it’s much more cost effective to pay for massage treatment than pay for pain medication, lost time, and even hospitalization. I would be willing to bet that happy and relaxed employees with improved sleep patterns are also more productive employees!

If you work for a company that offers health benefits, chances are you will be covered for the cost (or a portion of the cost) of your massage treatment by a Registered Massage Therapist. The coverage amount will vary depending on what plan your employer has negotiated for you.

Most insurance companies will not allow health care professionals to check this information on your behalf due to privacy concerns. The best way to find out about your coverage is to speak with your employer directly or contact your insurance company with your employee ID or group number handy. Many companies have a website that you can log into to view your coverage details and even submit claims.

Here are some important questions to ask when determining your coverage:
- Do I require a Doctor’s note in order to be reimbursed?
- What is my annual maximum?
- What is my maximum allowance per treatment?
- Is my Massage Therapist able to direct bill, or must I submit receipts myself?
- When will my coverage renew?
- If I reach my maximum am I able to use a health spending account to cover the additional costs?
- Will my therapist need to fill out any additional paperwork?

At this time our clinic is set up to direct bill for most GreenShield, Blue Cross (RCMP, Veterans, General) and Motor Vehicle Accident patients. If we are unable to bill directly for you we will gladly provide you with the necessary documentation to send to your company, or work with your insurance company to arrange direct billing if available.

If you have any additional questions we will be happy to help you out over the phone or at your next appointment!

Take a Virtual Tour of the Clinic!

February was a busy month of renovations in order to get set for a March 1st opening! I am very thankful for having some hardworking and very handy family members around to help me get set up.

Lots of dry wall went up, new floors went down, painting, installing and assembling! I am very proud of the final product! Check it out for yourself below:

**** Grand Opening Celebration ****

Bowmanville Valley Massage and Esthetics by Kendra will be teaming up to hold an open house in celebration or our new location!

Feel free to stop by the clinic on Saturday May 5th, 2012 between 12:00pm and 2:00pm for:

- Light snacks and refreshments (cake!!)
- A tour of the new facility
- Meet and greet with the staff
- Enter to win some great prizes (gift certificates!!)
- Each visitor will receive a $10 gift card for Massage Therapy

Hope to see you there!

Welcome to Bowmanville Valley Massage Therapy's blog!

We are currently working on getting our new blog up and running after some reports of frequent down time on our last blog. Please be patient with us while we work out the kinks and get some new posts up!

If you didn't just come from our website, you can visit us there for more information:

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to see a Registered Massage Therapist you can use one of the following methods to contact us:

Call or Text:          905-259-2158
Online booking:

Bowmanville Valley Massage Therapy is located in the heart of Historic Downtown Bowmanville. Nestled between Roses Bistro and Flower Shop and Soper Creek Yarn, our clinic boasts a large reception and waiting area, two treatments rooms, and washroom facilities. In addition to the services of a Registered Massage Therapist, we also have an experienced on-site Esthetician.

Our Registered Massage Therapist provides treatment for stress and relaxation, sports or repetitive strain injuries, headaches, insomnia, pregnancy related complaints, and more! Hot stone massage is also available.

We are excited to now offer convenient online booking for our clients. Through our website from your computer or mobile device you can select your appointment length, view upcoming availability and reserve your spot. You will receive email confirmation as well as a handy email reminder the day prior to your appointment!

Bowmanville Valley  Massage Therapy

84 King Street West,
Bowmanville, ON
L1C 1R4